Check Your Cyber Wellness

What is a Cyber Wellness Check???

Today, managing your company’s cyber profile is as important as managing your health.
Its equally important to be proactive about cyber wellness, and not just think about it in the event of an incident. TEKRiSQ uses periodic cyber risks assessments annually to check your company’s cyber wellness, measure and identify any issues that might need further care.


Participating in periodic cyber wellness checks in the form of an annual cyber risk assessment offers businesses of all sizes the following benefits;

  1. INDEPENDENT VIEW- Get an objective view from cybersecurity experts of threats your business uniquely faces
  2. REMEDIATION OPTIONS- Review risk recommendations and practical remediations for proper cyber hygiene
  3. COMPLIANCE– Cyber Risk Assessments may be required by regulators in various states, industries and municipalities.
  4. INSURABILITY– Learn what you need to get proper coverage affordably with an upfront view of where you stand.
  5. FAST, EASY & AFFORDABLE– get insights for your business in as little as one half hour, starting at $350

Read our published article on cyber wellness forThe Big I Independent Agent Magazine.